• academicscorehigh@gmail.com


Foundation, Medical and Engineering the future of the nation by transforming the students to be technically skilled managers, innovative for IIT JEE/ NEET Foundation Course for 10th Class.

If you want to make your child/ward future technically skillful and capable of taking competition exams like IIT JEE/ NEET foundation Course, then he/she must have undergone a Foundation Course. The foundation Course is not only helpful for IIT JEE / NEET but also provides him/her a higher level of technical capability.


To implement holistic approach in curriculum and pedagogy through Industry Integrated Interactions to meet the needs.
To develop students with knowledge, attitude and skill of employability, entrepreneurship, research potential and professionally ethical citizens.

The institute is based on holistic approach in education. We believe, an organization need not to be a research -based, but the institute should be developed as research -oriented. We develop our students with knowledge, attitude and skill of employability, entrepreneurship and professionally ethical citizens.
